
Company Info

PT Sentra Telekomindo Antariksa Raya

Jakarta Barat, JK, Indonesia

Company Description:

Our company started the business in 1992, mainly doing importing, trading and distribution. In 2005, we started to bring in "AVTech" brand CCTV into the country and as a result our brand currently dominates 50% of Indonesian Security camera market.

As a Sole Agent for brand AVTECH that moves in security camera. We are concern about the security in Indonesia. So we providing security system for house, office, factory, ect. So people can feel safe when they leave their house or office.

Our latest experiences in Indonesia include:
- Sekolah Bunda Hati Kudus,
- Gereja Maria Bunda Karmel (next to RCTI),
- BRI I & BRI II building, BRI branches in Cilegon, Jabodetabek, Cikampek, etc,
- PLN across Jabodetabek,
- Indomaret across Jabodetabek,
- Polsek (Cirebon, Solo, Jogjakarta areas),
- BPD Jawa Tengah,
- Some of PT. Djarum's warehousing in Kudus, Jawa Tengah,
- PT. Baria Bulk Terminal (oil refinery plant),
- Pabrik Gula GMP, etc

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